Sunday, January 08, 2012

Wedding at the Ebell of Los Angeles - Room Draped by SBD Events

Hallway before draping - Draped by SBD Events

Curtains to hide Dance Room

Hallway, draped in all white and swaged at doors - Draped by SBD Events

Hallway with Amber Lighting and swaged at door

Lighting by Pacific Event Lighting - Lighting was changed later to Blue.

Printed Curtains in dinning room before covered with white curtains

After Curtains were draped by SBD Events

All 7 curtains were draped in white to give the room a clean look.
(Flowers by Jackie Combs Floral Designs)

Overall look at the dinning room before transformation

On December 30, 2011, we had the opportunity to be part of the most fascinating wedding at the Ebell of Los Angeles. I also got a chance to work with some of LA's greatest event companies including Melissa Allen, director of Catering and Events and Anessa Curtin the Special Events Supervisor at the Ebell.

SBD Events draped to cover the printed curtains in the Dinning Hall, we Piped and Draped the walls in the hallway that lead to the Dance Hall and blocked the view of the Dance Hall with Curtains that you could not see through.

We worked with Deanna from Chic Ambiance Events (Event Coordinator), Marc from Pacific Event Lighting, Jackie from Jackie Combs Floral Designs. Melissa @ The Ebell of Los Angeles.