Sunday, October 30, 2005
The Fantasy Table Skirt(R)
My name is Demetra Cunningham, the designer and creator of the one and only Fanciful 'Fantasy Table Skirt(R)', which I hold the patent on#D478.762s. The Fantasy Table Skirt(R), is an illuminated skirt that is used mostly on low profile tables, such as Head Table, Cake Table, Display Table, Gift and Registration Table. My company has provided The Fantasy Table Skirt(R), for weddings, baby showers and corporate events.
My clientele list is continuous growing since I've introduce The Fantasy Table Skirt(R) two years ago. My goals are to provide The Fantasy Table Skirt(R), to the A list Clientele, such as Celebrities and people on the level of the Donald Trump and Oprah Winfrey. I would love to provide the Fantasy Table Skirts(R) for the registration table at the Grammys, Award Shows and Major Events. However I don't know how to reach these people!!!
Please see my website for more pictures of The Fantasy Table Skirts(R), at